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Southwest Louisiana National Wildlife Refuge Complex open for public sport fishing starting March 15

Special to the American Press The Southwest Louisiana National Wildlife Refuge Complex including Cameron Prairie, Sabine, and Lacassine ...

Local News

McNeese Rodeo Team hosting rodeo this weekend 

McNeese State University’s rodeo team will host its 2023 rodeo Oct. 27-28 in the Burton Arena. On Thursday, ...

Local News

Lacassine and Cameron Prairie National Wildlife Refuges open for archery deer hunting

Archery hunting for Lacassine and Cameron Prairie refuges opens will remain open through two hours after sunset Friday, ...

Local News

Louisiana officials seek to push menhaden fishing boats 1 mile offshore after dead fish wash up

Louisiana officials are proposing that boats fishing for menhaden must be at least 1 mile offshore after boats ...

Local News

Ducks Unlimited on a mission to preserve waterfowl habitat

Ducks Unlimited was built to advocate for and protect the habitats that houses North American’s waterfowl over 80 ...

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Coast Guard seizes nearly 1,000 pounds of shark off Texas coast

 The Coast Guard interdicted a lancha crew on Sunday and seized nearly 1,000 pounds of illegally caught shark ...

Local News

Moss Bluff boards unite to improve baseball, softball complex

The Moss Bluff Little League and Community Center and Playground District 4 of Ward 1 boards have come ...

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Fisher Hamilton: He ran his first marathon last month … and won

Lake Charles resident Fisher Hamilton ran his first marathon last month, and won. “I was pretty shocked,” the ...

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Rodeo roundup: Your guide to the 84th annual Southwest District Livestock Show and Rodeo

The West is no longer wild, but the pioneering spirit of those times live on. Here in Southwest ...

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800,000 longleaf pines to be planted in Kisatchie

Seeds of progress and recovery are being planted at Kisatchie National Forest as part of a plan to ...

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