Sanity hearing ordered for woman who says her birth date is ‘hearsay’

A Sulphur woman who was in state district court this week to answer to a bench warrant told a judge she could not testify as to whether the birth date the court had for her was correct because the date was “hearsay.”

Angela Hinton Nazir, 39, had an original charge of possession of a weapon by a convicted felon, with an arrest date of Dec. 10, 2016. But after failing to appear at a recent court date, there was a bench warrant issued for her stipulating she must appear in court.

Judge Mike Canaday asked Nazir to confirm her birth date, and she said she could not.

“My actual date of birth is hearsay because I have no knowledge of the day I was born,” Nazir said. “I don’t remember anything about that day, so I can’t tell you if my born date is correct or not. I do know what I was told all my life was the date of my birth but since I don’t remember the day, I can’t say if it’s true.”

Canaday asked her if she was competent and she said, “I don’t know.”

Nazir continued to argue with the judge regarding her birth date before saying, “Can we address why I’m here today if you don’t mind?”

“I do mind,” Canaday said. “Birth date?”

Nazir still refused to answer and also said she wanted to be called a different name than the one in all of her court paperwork. The judge asked her if she had a driver’s license or birth certificate, and she said she did not.

Prosecutor Jacob Johnson said Nazir had filed numerous requests with the district attorney’s office saying she wanted to change her name.

Nazir told the court “the word of God is my law. I want to exercise ministerial law to address these issues today. I’m a Louisianian and my law is the Bible.”

After continually refusing to cooperate with any of Canaday’s questions or to confirm her date of birth, the judge had her taken into custody and ordered a future sanity hearing to be held.

Nazir is represented by defense attorney Steve Coward.

In the meantime, Nazir will be held without bond.””Sanity Hearing graphic
