Lake Charles College Prep hosts STEM Demo Day for students
Lake Charles College Prep hosted a STEM Demo Day for its ninth and 10th grade student with the charter system’s new director of Director of STEM, Julian Guillory. In his demonstration, Guillory utilized architectural visualization, video game programming software and Optitrack motion capture technology to showcase the new offerings coming to all three of the Lake Charles Charter Schools.
Guillory said STEM curriculum is necessary both to prepare students for jobs of the future and to also truly engage them in higher order learning processes. “It’s a teaching cliche’ to say ‘Think outside of the box.’ But my whole thing is there is no box. We can’t be scared of new technologies. We’ve got to meet the kids where they are.”
Student watched as Guillory utilized the Unreal Engine from Epic Games, maker of the popular video game Fortnite, to showcase some of the new courses coming to the system next school year including digital graphics and animation, creating coding through games and app, motion graphics and Robotics I. Pointing to the prevlance of cell phones and video games he said, “A lot of times with STEM in Soutwhest Louisiana we run straight to the plants to show kids what their options are. But my idea is your playground is your world.”
The charter schools will be the only system in Soutwhest region to have a seamless pipeline of STEM curriculum from pre-k to 12th grade. Guillory said developing such a system for neceessary for the career of the future whether they are directly STEM related or not. “Any job you can can now is somewhat computer related and if it’s not yet, you can be sure it will be in the future.”
Lake Charles College Prep students will have the opportunity to choose between a STEM Jump Start Path or a STEM for university or pre-engineering path, Mike Juneau, Jump Start director said. A strong STEM background and understanding is necessary “not just for entertainment value but for life success in general,” he told students.
In this file photo from May 2019, Julian Guillory, STEM Director for the Lake Charles Charter Schools, demonstrates new technology courses.