St. Louis, Barbe win state golf titles, Anderson leads Saints; Bucs dominate girls field

Warren Arceneaux

Southwest Louisiana’s spring sports trophy haul grew Tuesday with the St. Louis boys golf team sweeping the team and individual championships at the Division II meet, while the Barbe girls brought home the Division I team title.

Ross Anderson captured the individual title and led the Saints to the team title, shooting 145 to finish three strokes ahead of Teurlings Catholic’s Collin Duplechain. Saint George Trappey finished third at 149.

The tournament was played at The Wetlands in Lafayette.

The Saints won the team title with a score of 616, two shots ahead of runner-up Teurlings.

St. Louis trailed Teurlings by six shots after Monday’s first round. While St. Louis had the top two individuals in Anderson and Trappey after the first round, the Rebels had four of the top seven.

Freshman Jonathan Perry, who shot 83 on the first day, helped the Saints make up ground by shooting a season-best round of 72 on Tuesday. He finished ninth. Cameron Langley and Collin Achee rounded out the Saints’ scoring.

“He got a rush of confidence after a good first nine,” Saints head coach and athletic director Pat Neck said of Perry. “He had a very stress-free day. He swung it well and gave us a big lift.

“Ross and George are the pillars of our team. They didn’t score quite as well as they did Monday, but we were able to win in large part because Perry gave us a boost.”

Neck said Anderson and Trappey, a pair of sophomores, are mature enough to handle themselves on the course.

“We have two sophomores and three freshmen, and I spend most of the time at tournaments with the freshmen,” Neck said. “Ross and George are able to manage their games by themselves. Ross manages the course very well, makes great decisions and is a great ball-striker. He is steady as it goes, hits a lot of fairways and greens.”

Division I

Barbe was dominant in winning the girls title at Les Vieux Chenes in Youngsville. The Bucs led by 18 strokes with a 170 total after the first round and finished 29 strokes ahead of runner-up Dutchtown with a two-day total of

341. Tuesday’s team total of 171 was the best on the day by 10 strokes.

Bella Bradley shot 164 to finish fourth. Bella Callaba was 11th at 177 and Sadie Guillory finished at 200.

“They played well all year together,” Bucs head coach Bob Corley said of the trio. “They kept getting better. The two Bellas are sophomores who have played together since middle school and are real good friends. Sadie is a junior who plays other sports. She played as a freshman then came back to the team this year and it really paid off.”

Byrd’s Sydney Moss won the individual title, shooting 147.

Sulphur’s Mackenzie Toney finished 10th with a 176. The Tors were fourth in the team standings at 373.

The Barbe boys finished fifth. Sulphur placed seventh. Barbe’s Zach Robertson was fifth on the leaderboard at 143, three shots behind winner Griffith Dorr of St. Paul’s.

Division IV

Hathaway’s Jace LeJeune finished second at 148, one shot behind winner Caden Lester of Ouachita Christian. Lacassine’s Dylan Duran was sixth at 158.””LHSAA golfDan McDonald
