Local News

Jim Beam column:News from a story collection

Artificial intelligence (AI) is as foreign to me as it was when I first heard it mentioned. A ...

Local News

Jim Beam column:Pet project system is unfair

A city councilman in an area parish asked  me a question in an email message I have never ...

Local News

Jim Beam column:Pet projects have long lives

Pet projects that had their origin in 1984 when the late-Gov. Edwin W. Edwards was governor have survived ...

Local News

Jim Beam column: Elections major session issue

Louisiana’s election system is one of the most secure in the country, but you wouldn’t believe that if ...

Local News

Jim Beam column:Disappointing session is over

We are finally safe, but perhaps not for long. Members of the Louisiana Legislature that have been in ...

Local News

Jim Beam column: Brumley likes propaganda videos

Cade Brumley, Louisiana’s state superintendent of education, has endorsed what critics call a right-wing nonprofit — PragerU — ...

Local News

Jim Beam column:Constitution plans changing

Writing a new Louisiana state constitution has always been a risky proposition. However, what had been a reluctant ...

Local News

Jim Beam column:Louisiana governors have stroke

Never underestimate the power of Louisiana governors. Republican Gov. Jeff Landry proved once again this week that if ...

Local News

Jim Beam column: New constitution is tough sell

The late-Gov. Edwin W. Edwards made it clear during his 1971 and 1972 campaign for governor that the ...

Local News

Jim Beam column: Landry scores major victory

With just over two weeks to go in the current legislative session, there can be little doubt in ...

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