Secretary of State warns voters about mailers distributed by third-party group
Published 4:13 pm Monday, April 8, 2024
The Louisiana Secretary of State’s Office said it is aware of mailers distributed by a third-party group known as “The Voter Participation Center.”
These mailers suggest that someone at the address may not be registered to vote, and they include a voter registration form with pre-filled information. These mailers sometimes contain incorrect or misleading information.
Voters should know that this mailer is not official correspondence from the Louisiana Secretary of State or a parish Registrars of Voters, nor is it an indication of a change in a voter’s registration status, Secretary Nancy Landry said
Louisianans are encouraged to visit or download the free, award-winning Geaux Vote mobile app to update their registration, or call their parish Registrar of Voters with any questions about their registration status.