Jeff Davis to advertise for new parish administrator

Published 4:08 pm Friday, January 19, 2024

The Jeff Davis Parish Police Jury agreed Wednesday to put $5,000 toward advertising for the newly created parish administrator position.

The parish plans to advertise for the position in various newspapers and online job posting sites, according to Police Jury President Steve Eastman.

The Police Jury created the position in December and appointed a special advisory committee to  begin the process of searching, interviewing and recommending candidates for the position.

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Committee members include Chairperson Kendal Henry of Iowa; Vice Chairman Mark Pousson of Welsh; Secretary Eleyna Landry of Elton;  Arthur Lewis of Jennings; Michael “Mike” Doland of Lake Arthur; Rev. Gerald Perkins of Jennings and Charles “Eddie” Eskew of Jennings. Franklin “Austin” Bertrand will serve as an alternate member with Eastman and Police Jury attorney Lance Person serving as ex-officio members. Ronnie Petree will serve as moderator and engineer Alex Guillory will assist the group as requested.

“I was honored to be appointed as a moderator for the committee and I am excited to be able to do that,” Petree said. “It was exciting to see the committee come together the other evening and the way they are ready to get to work on making their recommendation to the Police Jury. Their enthusiasm is great, and I feel the momentum will carry forward for other things in the parish after their task is completed for this project.”

The committee is in the process of moving forward with getting the information out to solicit individuals to apply and what method they will use to let others know how they can apply, Petree said.

The committee hopes to begin advertising for the position by late January or early February and accept applications for 30 days. Review of applications and interviews are expected to be completed by March with a final selection made in April.

The committee will meet at 6 p.m. Jan. 22 in the Police Jury meeting room, located in the Sidney E. Briscoe Jr. Bldg., 304 North State Street in Jennings.

The administrator will supervise the parish government’s employees and will direct and manage the activities of its departments on a day-to-day basis. The administrator will also assist the Police Jury in establishing strategic direction, policies and procedures.

The administrator will report to and be supervised by the Police Jury.