Higgins announces $24M in hurricane recovery efforts

Published 1:31 pm Friday, December 22, 2023

U.S. Congressman Clay Higgins, R-Louisiana, said the Federal Emergency Management Agency is awarding an additional $24,078,966.14 million in federal grants for hurricane recovery efforts in Southwest Louisiana.

“Southwest Louisiana does not let storms destroy our spirit. We are Louisiana strong,” Higgins said. “To date, we have delivered over $4.2 billion in recovery relief. Our office will continue to prioritize hurricane recovery and work with our local, state, and federal partners to ensure that much needed resources are delivered for renewed economic growth and prosperity.”

The funding is made available through the major disaster declaration for Hurricane Laura.

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Higgins said the reimbursement includes:

  • $6,162,038.41 to the Office of Risk Management for permanent restoration work to McNeese University – Quadrant D.
  • $12,825,812.80 to Cameron School Board Office to replace the South Cameron High School Gymnasium.
  • $3,944,437.65 to the Office of Risk Management for repairs to the main campus of McNeese University.
  • $1,146,677.28 to the city of Lake Charles for repairs to Buddy Prejean Park.

The reimbursement are being made at a 90 percent federal cost-share and authorized under Section 406 of the Robert T. Stafford Act, Higgins said.

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