Standup stand-ins: Chambers, Hamilton led Cowboys to fast start

Published 5:07 pm Wednesday, December 6, 2023

When Brandon Chambers and Vernon Hamilton joined Will Wade’s staff last spring they knew things would be different.

Both had been a part of Wade’s coaching staff at LSU but now they were going to be elevated. How much they were not sure.

When Wade was handed a 10-game suspension to start this season, he decided to divide game responsibilities between the two assistants. It has worked out almost to perfection for the Cowboys.

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McNeese State is off to an 8-2 start this season and finds itself ranked 22nd in one Mid-Major poll.

“Those guys have done a great job,” said Wade, who will be back on the bench for Cowboy games starting next Wednesday against Southern Mississippi.

While Wade was working with the Cowboys during practices leading up to game day, Chambers and Hamilton took turns acting as the head coach during the contests.

“I could not be any more proud of how those guys have handled things,” said Wade. “It is a different feeling from that first seat for sure. They have kept us on the right track.

“I just hope I don’t go in there and mess things up. I just want to keep the car on the road.”

Hamilton improved his interim record to 5-0 with Tuesday night’s thumping of Mississippi University for Women. Chambers finished 3-2.

“Coach Chambers and Coach Vernon did a great job,” said guard Omar Cooper. “We now get our guy back next game.”

For the two assistants it was a tremendous opportunity to show what they can do and learn in real time.

“This has been big for my own personal growth,” said Hamilton. “For Coach to have that type of complete confidence in me is great.”

As for his working Chambers, it has been near perfect.

“Coach Chambers is a huge coach,” said Hamilton. “We know what each other is thinking and work well together.”

Chambers feels much the same way. He understands that the great benefit is to have Wade around leading the way up until it is game day. So everything is in place but it has been him and Hamilton that had to carry out the game plans.

“It has been a great learning experience for me,” said Chambers. “You learn that it is much different in the big seat. As interim the game moves so fast.”

He also found out that as the head coach you tend to have the defeats stay with you a little longer.

“I didn’t sleep after the two losses,” said Chambers.

Now those long, sleepless nights will be left for Wade as both Chambers and Hamilton can go back to their duties as head coaches.

Each now has the knowledge of what to expect the next time they are in the hot seat.