Arming youth with knowledge: Investigator speaks of threats facing teens daily

Published 11:07 am Thursday, April 28, 2022

WELSH — Human trafficking, sex texting and drugs are not a topic many like to discuss and something many don’t believe can happen here.

Kyle Miers, who has over 20 years in law enforcement including investigation, visited Welsh High School on Wednesday to increase students’ awareness on the topics as part of his Stay Alert, Stay Alive program.

“Now that I am in investigations, I see crime starting to grow — not just in our area, but all around the country,” Miers said. “And as the father of five daughters that concerns me. I am trying to arm these youth with the knowledge I have with real life experiences.”

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During the program, Miers spoke to students about predators, dangers of online gaming, sending inappropriate photos and using drugs.

“These are threats that they may deal with on a daily basis,” he said. “My goal is to open their eyes to see that there are enemies in this world and people who will manipulate them. Hopefully this will get them to think about the decisions they make and the consequences those decisions have on their lives.”

He urged the students to take at least 30 seconds to act on a decision to give their brain time to process what is going on and what the consequences of the decision will be.

Miers uses the names of many of the victims from national crimes to help the students realize that victims are real. Closer to home, Miers shared the experience of an unnamed 21-year-old female who was a victim of human trafficking.

“I have five daughters and I think if they have to defend themselves, then they have missed something,” he said. “You should always be aware of your surroundings to prevent anything from happening.”

He said a predator can be anybody from a friend to a relative. He also cautioned that predators can be found on the internet.

“The internet went from educational to dangerous to now being deadly in some situations,” Miers said.

Some children as young as 8 years old have experienced some sort of inappropriate interaction online, he said.

Predators use online media, social platforms, gaming platforms and chatrooms to target many of their victims, he said.

He urged students who find themselves being threatened or blackmailed online to talk to their parents, law enforcement officers or school officials.

“Trust your parents or someone,” he said. “If you’ve done something you regret or are ashamed of, you can talk to them no matter what it’s about or how you feel. They will be angry, but they love you.”

Posting inappropriate pictures online without your permission is against the law, he said.

In speaking on drugs, Miers told the students it is OK to say no even when it involves a friend or family member. He encouraged them to attend parties in groups, watch each other’s backs and to make a pact that if one person wants to leave that they all will leave.