Life at the Cajun Cottage

Published 5:14 pm Friday, September 9, 2011

One would think that after two years of writing about Louisiana, I gave myself a vacation.

I did take a month off from writing; guess you all noticed that. Perhaps your summer has been as busy as mine and you didn’t notice at all. That’s good. Full living is good. We’ll row this pirougue together. It’s a journey.

I haven’t rowed my pirougue anywhere this past summer. Our oldest son bought a house, a fixer-upper. He’s getting married next April and they’ve been working every spare hour to fix-up this house.  I’ve cleaned a bit but I am not carpenter material. I’ve watched my husband whip, slap, smooth, and layer tile cement as though he were frosting a cake. It’s a beautiful thing to watch. I’ve cleaned…bathrooms mainly…only to see dust settle back over the new countertops, the new floors, the new fixtures. Honestly I haven’t done near what they’ve all done but  I’ve done my share of cooking to make sure everyone gets fed well. That’s what Cajun women do.

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Whoever said life gets slower and quieter when your kids grow up probably didn’t have kids. Or their children moved away so chances are they weren’t from Louisiana. I’ve had 3 children move out this summer and I’m busier than ever. My husband and I saw our 25th anniversary go unmarked this year. That makes me sad but life is full and that’s good. One day does not define eternity, right? I’ve grown <span style=”text-decoration: line-through;”>old</span> wise enough to know that when I’m no longer busy, I’ll be 6-feet under. I prefer to be on top of things so life is good.

I did take some time to go with friends and watch the new movie <em>The Help. </em>

Excellent? Oh, yes. That’s a whole other blog post in itself and I hope I find time to write my thoughts here. Did you see it? What did you think?

Naturally my next trip was to the bookstore for the book

“The Help,”

by Kathryn Stockett.

I’m enjoying it so far.

Here’s hoping your summer has ended well and autumn is fluttering in with football, spicy oven dishes, and the blessed end of hurricane season.””Kathryn-Stockett