Grand Bayou boat bay remains open

Published 3:18 pm Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Despite rumors to the contrary, the Grand Bayou boat bay on the east side of Calcasieu Lake remains open, and no closure is scheduled, a state official said Wednesday afternoon.

Chuck Perrodin, spokesman for the state Coastal Restoration and Protection Authority, said readings from a salinity monitor led officials to think they might have to close the boat bay. But when they reviewed the data they found a malfunction in the monitor, he said.

“The process worked, and no closing was scheduled,” Perrodin wrote in an email. “But word leaked out before an official determination was made.”

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He said the CPRA will keep the boat bay open as long as possible, but will “close it when we must.”

For information on boat bay access, call 855-532-9955. Perrodin has said that officials will update the information line’s recording within a half hour of any change in status.

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For more about this issue, read the Informer column that was published in Wednesday’s American Press by clicking here.””

(American Press Archives)

Michelle Higginbotham