LC Memorial Health preparing for hurricane season
Special to the American Press
Lake Charles Memorial Health System continues to prepare for the 2024 hurricane season, strengthening resources, facilities, food, and supplies in the event of a hurricane making landfall in southwest Louisiana. Health system officials stay vigilant to the substantial threat by ensuring life-safety preparations are made carefully and strategically prior to a disaster. As the community’s health system, the privilege of providing quality care, even in the worst circumstances, remains top priority.
“Our goal is to be prepared with every resource we can to care for those who need us, before, during, and after a storm.” says Scott Kyle, Director of Emergency Preparedness. “We work closely with the National Weather Service and our vendors to ensure we have adequate emergency supplies if needed.”
When a hurricane forms or enters the Gulf of Mexico, and is perceived as a threat to southwest Louisiana, Lake Charles Memorial Health System will activate their official Hurricane Preparedness Plan to ensure smooth operations and allow the continuum of care to be as uninterrupted as possible in the event of a storm.
To further strengthen infrastructure, Lake Charles Memorial Hospital on Oak Park Blvd. is nearing the end of a project replacing key windows around the facility. The new windows are considered the “gold standard” for high velocity wind protection. In addition to being rated for 200+ mph winds, the design and protection also follows the Miami-Dade and Boward Counties building standards that are widely adopted throughout Florida and other areas of the Gulf Coast. This project is a significant investment of over $2 million and is considered a life-safety measure to further protect those still in hospital care, staff, and facilities during a storm or major weather event.
In the case of an impending hurricane, the supply of post-landfall food and supplies for patients and employees are procured and readily available. Hospital personnel will alert the public as to any closures and/or re-openings of facilities and hospitals.
Should an evacuation take place, residents in impacted areas should:
- Bring all medications in original bottles.
- Bring copies of medical information.
- Take note of important phone numbers.
- Write down doctor & clinic name & contact information.
- Bring insurance cards for entire family.
- Bring medical equipment and devices (such as dentures, crutches, prostheses, etc.).
Note: Do not stop other medications that you may be currently taking. If you are running out of these medications take your medicine bottles and/or medication list to a provider or pharmacy to get refills in the place of evacuation.