McNeese Theatre: Navigating tides of life focus of ‘Tender Atlas’
McNeese Theatre has two more productions slated for 2024.
‘Tender Atlas’
A collection of six 10-minute plays written by award-winning playwright and screenwriter Caity-Shea Violette will be performed in Tritico Theater later this month.
Director of Theatre Joshua Stenvick said the production was chosen to expose students to contemporary works and “playwriting as an art form.”
Violette will be visiting McNeese to speak to the students about being a working theatre professional.
“It is a great choice to help grow the talent of our students and expose them to working professionals in the field,” Stenvick said.
“Tender Atlas” is an anthology of stories about young adults navigating the tides of life. He said the common theme is “trying to find your way back to yourself.”
“These stories deal with big changes in lives, but what I love about them is that they focus on the healing and not the trauma,” he explained. “We get to see these characters vulnerable, but really searching for themselves.
“My favorite thing about these 10-minute plays is that if one doesn’t strike you as entertaining or speak to you, wait another eight minutes and the world will change. I think they fit into our 21st-century lives of needing things quickly and immediately.”
“Tender Atlas” will be on stage at 7 p.m. from Wednesday, Sept. 25, to Saturday, Sept. 28. There is an additional matinee show at 2 p.m. on Saturday.
General admission is $20. Student tickets are $10, but McNeese students with a valid ID can see the show for free.
‘The Witch’
This Halloween McNeese Theatre will present “The Witch” by American playwright Jen Silverman.
It is a “Faustus tale” that explores what would happen if the “Devil comes to your town and offers anything you want in exchange for your soul,” said Stenvick.
Audiences can expect a “90-minute ride through town” with romantic comedy and social commentary.
“What is your soul worth if your life isn’t worth anything? Are you willing to stand up for what you believe in even if it means living in the gutter?” he said. “It’s really going to strike a chord with audiences I believe, and I can’t wait for the community to see it.”
This production will keep McNeese students in touch with what is “current” and “hot” in contemporary theatre, he said.
“The Witch” will start at 7 p.m. every night from Oct. 30 to Nov. 2, with a matinee show at 2 p.m. on Nov. 2.