The importance of gun safety
In light of Monday’s incident at Moss Bluff Elementary School in which a first-grader picked up a handgun that fell out of student’s backpack and accidentally shot another child, it’s a good time to remind people of firearm safety — especially when it comes to children having access to them.
Children are naturally curious about guns and, as a result, may be tempted to pick up a firearm if it’s left out unattended.
Here are some gun safety tips, as suggested by the Safe Kids Worldwide organization:
l Store guns in a locked location, unloaded, out of the reach and sight of children.
l Make sure ammunition is in a separate locked location out of the reach and sight of children.
l Keep the keys and combinations to the locks hidden.
l When a gun is not in its lock box, keep it in your sight.
l Make sure all guns are equipped with effective, child-resistant gun locks.
l If a visitor has a gun in a backpack, briefcase, handbag or an unlocked vehicle, provide him or her with a locked place to hold it while in your home.
l Leaving guns on a nightstand, table or other place where a child can gain access may lead to injuries and deaths.
l Teach kids never to touch a gun and to immediately tell an adult if they see one.
l Talk to grandparents and the parents of friends your children visit about safe gun storage practices.
After Monday’s shooting, Calcasieu Parish Sheriff Tony Mancuso said, “I’m a pro-gun advocate, and I believe in the Second Amendment that allows us to possess and carry firearms. However, I also believe that it is our responsibility as gun owners to keep our guns locked and out of the reach of children.”
Mancuso added, “Talking to our children about the dangers of guns can help them know how to react if they encounter a gun at school or even at a friend’s house.”
We agree. A responsible gun owner is one who observes safe gun practices at all times and never leaves a gun unattended in the presence of a child.
One child-involved shooting is one too many.