PAR online forum: La. Secretary of State candidates speak out
The Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana recently hosted candidates running for Louisiana Secretary of State for an online candidate forum.
A hot button topic was the future of the state’s voting system. In July 2021, the state passed a bill — led by gubernatorial candidate Sharon Hewitt — that “adds layers of legislative oversight and technical analysis, allows for more public input and requires an auditable paper trail for the voting system,” according to an analysis from the Associated Press.
First Assistant Secretary of State Nancy Landry (R) said that Louisiana’s voting system is 30 years old and “falling apart.”
If elected, she would seek a voting system that would follow best practices. It would “employ technology and use machines so we have the speed, accuracy and efficiency that we’re used to with machines.”
The system would be fully auditable with a paper backup, allowing voters to verify the accuracy of their vote before the ballot is cast. It would also ensure that votes receive certifiable results on election night; “Risk-limiting audits” would be conducted following the election.
The state’s current system has led to Louisiana being ranked seventh in the country for election integrity by The Heritage Foundation, as of 2023. Louisiana was also voted first in the south and 12th in the country for election integrity by the Electoral Integrity Project.
“We do elections well in Louisiana. … We have a lot to be proud of when it comes to election integrity, but I think we can be even better. I want us to be number one, and I have a plan to get us there.”
She served three terms in the legislature as the state representative for Lafayette and Vermilion Parishes. After three terms, current Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin appointed her as the First Assistant Secretary of State, the second-in-command position at the Department of State, where she has served for four years.
Her duties include conducting and administering elections, and she is the only candidate that has experience conducting statewide elections.
Former Orleans Parish Criminal Clerk of Court Arthur Morrell, (D), said that he is not opposed to technology being integrated in voting systems, and would like the new voting system to be similar to what is currently implemented.
“I think what the Secretary of State is doing now is fine, but I plan to look and see how I can improve it.”
He does not support switching to a paper ballot, and explained that the current “poll and roll” system is adequate paper backup. “Poll and roll” is the process of signing in before casting a ballot, he said.
“We think that these machines are good. It shows that the accuracy and the count, the outcome of the votes, has always been good. … integrity is there. But, we shouldn’t change machines just because someone told us we need paper backup.”
He also noted that in Orleans Parish, very few machines have succumbed to age. His preference would be to continue using a working machine, as he is “hesitant on wasting money.”
“If we have something that’s working, I don’t care how old it is, try to improve it and keep what we have.”
He continued by stating that he would align his voting system with current law.
He served 23 years in the Legislature, 16 years as the Chief Election Officer in Orleans parish and practiced law for four decades.
Brandon Trosclair ( R), owner of Ralph’s Market and Butcher Boy, is advocating for a full overhaul of the Louisiana voting system, and stated that he does not trust the machines that are currently used.
“I think we have terrible elections here in Louisiana. There’s no accountability and there’s no transparency.”
He said current machines use prosperity software that “no elected official or the people have the authority to even look at that software or look at those algorithms.”
He is a proponent for “hand marked secure” and hand counted votes.
His plan would have individuals from both parties tallying votes at the precinct level. He claims that voters would still have certified election results within minutes of the polls closing with the paper system.
He said the process would be efficient and manageable because there are over 3900 small precincts – the average precinct size is 700 – in the states.
Additionally, he would place election information on the Secretary of State Office’s website within 24 hours of the poll closing to allow citizens to audit the ballots themselves.
“They won’t have to file a FOIA for that, they won’t have to ask for it, they won’t have to pay for it. We’re going to give them what they deserve, and that’s accountability and transparency.”
Gwen Collins-Greenup (D), owner and managing member of Greenup Law, L.L.C., said that Louisiana does not have the infrastructure needed to support a hand-counted paper voting system, citing election commissioners that are aging out of the system and a struggle to recruit new commissioners.
She continued by stating that hand-counted paper voting systems have not “been proven to be something that’s useful in elections” and will likely result in ADA compliance issues.
“The Secretary of State’s office does not need to implement something that will bring legal challenges.”
She is pro the procurement of voting machines using technology, stating the State’s voting system needs machines that are updated with a paper back-up that would be used as an auditable paper trail.
“As an accountant and an attorney, I am aware of the need to have that paper backup in case there is a need for an audit.”
She said under her administration, the state office would conduct post-election audits.
She said she is the “people’s candidate.” In the 2019 general election, She qualified for the run-off election, where she lost to Ardoin with 40.9 percent of votes – 601,126 votes – under her belt.
Low voter turnout rates inspired her to run.
“That was so concerning to me that I decided to run for secretary of state. … I will use my experience as an attorney, an accountant and a small business owner, as well as my experience working with elections, to strengthen Louisiana’s businesses, secure our elections and protect every eligible Louisiana citizens’ right to vote.”
District 4 Public Service Commissioner Mike Francis ( R), said that the state needs “a business person at the helm” of the Secretary of State office.
“I felt like we needed some firm, strong leadership that we weren’t getting.”
He is a “bottom-up leader,” and said that he supports electronic voting machines, but his opinion is ultimately formed by constituents.
“I was drawn into this race by the opinion of registered voters, the clerks of court and those that do the elections. That’s where the answers will come from for our future.”
His office would hold a technical conference to hear and workshops different perspectives and ideas.
“That’s the way we do it in the real world in business. … Those that are out there doing the elections every day, they’re going to have the answers that we need.”
House Speaker Clay Schexnayder ( R) was not in attendance. PAR stated that he originally accepted the invitation to attend the forum, but canceled that morning due to conflicting meetings.