Historic City Hall opens exhibit of Japanese ceramics

<div class="Content"><p class="indent">A free opening reception for the ceramics exhibit, “Nature, Tradition and Innovation,” takes place 5:30-8 p.m. Friday at Historic City Hall Arts and Cultural Center, 1001 Ryan St.</p><p class="indent">The showcase, on display through Feb. 9, features 55 works created by 43 Japanese ceramists, including flower vases, tea bowls, candle holders and platters. It’s the cultural center’s first ceramics exhibit in more than a year, said Matt Young, with the department of cultural affairs.</p><p class="indent">Eleven digital photos by Taijiro Ito will accompany the ceramic pieces, letting viewers see the inspiration behind the works.</p><p class="indent">“When any resident walks through they’ll be able to say, ‘Oh wow this was the artist’s vision,’ making it relatable and personable,” Young said. “When you can put yourself in the artist’s shoes, you see that art is for everyone.”</p><p class="indent">The works “reinterpret traditional methods in a modern context” as ceramics have been celebrated for centuries by Japanese rulers and society members, Young said. The exhibit’s rustic colors and forms are intended to be a representation of nature, highly revered in Japanese culture.</p><p class="indent">Friday and Saturday will also feature a separate artisans’ gallery with works for sale created by the Lake Area’s “crème de la crème” artists, Young said. The works will be on display and for sale until Dec. 29.</p><p class="indent">Throughout November and December, cultural center guests can create their own handmade Christmas card benefiting the Calcasieu Council on Aging. All materials are provided and finished cards will be distributed to area nursing homes.</p><p class="indent">Historic City Hall is open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday.</p><p class="indent">For more information, call 491-9147 or visit <span class="text_link link_wrap type_url" data-link-type="URL" data-link-target="http://www.cityoflakecharles.com"><span style="font-weight: bold;">www.</span><span style="font-weight: bold;">cityoflakecharles.com</span></span>.</p></div>””<p>The Japanese ceramics exhibit “Nature, Tradition and Innovation,” opens at 5:30 p.m. Friday at Historic City Hall Arts and Cultural Center, 1001 Ryan St.</p>Special to the American Press
