AmeriCorps recruiting members for September

Special to American Press

Impact Lake Charles AmeriCorps is recruiting members for two terms of service beginning in September: 300 hours of service through December and 675 hours through May. 

On completing the program, 300-hour members will earn an education award of up to $1,230.69; 675-hour members will earn an education award up to $2,215.24.

Members will also receive a one-time living stipend of $1,610 while serving a 300-hour term. Members serving a 675-hour term will receive a $3,500 stipend. Impact AmeriCorps is a service-learning program that provides members an opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of others by educating them on various health and safety topics and assisting in community service projects.

Members will also receive life skills trainings, including team building, conflict resolution, first aid and CPR, and resume building.

For more information on Impact Lake Charles AmeriCorps, call Alisa Stevens or Paige Simpson at 491-8735 or visit the Impact Lake Charles AmeriCorps page at
