1/27: Calcasieu Parish Sheriff announces arrest list

Published 12:19 pm Monday, January 27, 2025

The Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office reported the following arrests:

Thomas Wayne Lemons, 17, 90 Beech St. No. 23, Sulphur — simple burglary; theft less than $1,000. Bond: $15,000.

Hunter Alan Ingram, 18, 222 Patton St., Sulphur — two counts simple burglary; theft of a firearm; two counts theft less than $1,0000; aggravated assault with a firearm. Bond: $178,000.

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Grady Fitzgerald Brown, 59, Atlanta — monetary instrument abuse; bank fraud; criminal conspiracy.

Morgan Steven Simon, 63, 15513 U.S. 171, Ragley — forgery. Bond: $25,000.

Linda Susan Fondel, 67, 308 Calcasieu St. — aggravated battery. Bond: $10,000.

Joshua Craig English, 46, 4313 J.E. Miller Road, Starks — domestic abuse battery.

Todd Gregory Bonamo, 46, Abbeville — unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling; simple criminal damage to property from $1,000 but less than $50,000. Bond: $102,500.

Danelle Rene Kluver, 34, 408 W. Claude St. — drug possession; possession of marijuana, first offense (14 grams or less); prohibited acts, drug paraphernalia. Bond: $28,500.

Lydia Christina Stafford, 39, 4426 Ashland St. — pedestrians on highways or interstate highways; resisting an officer by refusal to I.D.; possession of marijuana, first offense (14 grams or less) prohibited acts, drug paraphernalia; drug possession. Bond: $26,600.

James Plumber, 64, 2801 General Mitchell — aggravated assault with a firearm; direct contempt of court.

Alvin Clark Myles, 24, 1206 Pasquere St., Gueydan — simple burglary; possession of firearm or carrying concealed weapon by a person convicted of certain felonies; theft of a firearm. Bond: $90,000.

Edward Fedrick Bergenske, 39, 5745 Spruce St. — domestic abuse battery-child endangerment. Bond: $5,000.

Mildred Rasheele Goodly, 32, 2802 12th St. — required position and method of turning at intersections; possession of firearm or carrying concealed weapon by a person convicted of certain felonies. Bond: $100,100.

Bryan Kyle Meguess, 38, 5718 Perry Lane — domestic abuse battery-child endangerment.

Zanie McAllen, 17, 2732 Lorraine Lane — simple burglary; resisting an officer; illegal carrying of weapons, possession, custody or use of any tools customarily used by thieves or burglars. Bond: $37,500.

Lafimmas Leevon Haynes, 36, 5718 Perry Lane — obscenity; entry on or remaining in places or on land after being forbidden.

Brandon Oneal Scott, 18, 329 W. Hebert Road — drug possession; illegal carrying of weapons during commission of a crime or in presence of CDS. Bond: $22,500.

Lucas Aaron Sexton, 17, 1621 Woodland Drive — drug possession; illegal carrying of weapons during commission of a crime or in presence of CDS; illegal possession of a handgun by a juvenile-first offense; flight from an officer; simple criminal damage to property less than $1,000.

Donna Marie Tunwar, 52, 1212 Giovanni St. Apt. A — possession of synthetic marijuana, first offense; two counts drug possession; unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling; simple criminal damage to property less than $1,000. Bond: $26,500.

John Robert White, 49, 3358 Burson Road — domestic abuse battery.