Say it ain’t sneaux! Temperatures expected to be below freezing up to 60 hours
Published 4:03 pm Monday, January 20, 2025
- Snowfall in the Lake Charles-Moss Bluff area Dec. 8, 2017. (Crystal Stevenson / American Press)
Calcasieu Parish was warned to prepare for a “historic winter weather event” Monday at the Calcasieu Parish Executive Policy group media and public update.
Temperatures could “potentially” reach single-digits starting Wednesday morning, and stay below freezing 48 to 60 hours, according to a report from the National Weather Service Warning Coordination Meteorologist Doug Cramer.
Some of the advice from the Friday Executive briefing was repeated at the Monday update – with increased fervor to match the severity of the expected conditions.
Don’t get on the roads unless it is an emergency or another valid reason. Due to the change in the weather report, the impact on roads will be widespread, not only a bridge issue.
Protect exposed pipes Drip, don’t run faucets. (Check out the city of Lake Charles webpage for a video of exactly how that looks.)
If the wind and ice doesn’t affect electric service, the strain of providing power for heat could likely do so. Don’t use a generator indoors/without ventilation and always use a transfer switch to isolate the home’s electrical system from the utility lines when the generator is in use to prevent backfeed.
Historic weather event
Cramer said the new, trending colder temp modeling could lower chances of freezing rain. Four to six inches of snow is predicted across the parish with the bulk falling Tuesday morning from around 5 a.m. to around 11 a.m., maybe noon.
The snow means more than likely the bridges will be treacherous. Roads will be impacted at least through Wednesday, he said.
“One thing that I do want to bring to your attention is that the all-time record low for the month of January for Lake Charles is 12 degrees. That is what we are forecasting. And there are chances, especially if we get a snow pack, which we are forecasting, that those temperatures drop into the single digits early Wednesday morning.We’re looking at potentially 48-60 hours of temperatures below freezing here across Southwest Louisiana, by the time this is all said and done.”
Emergencies only
Emergency and safety efforts are being coordinated between the Parish, including the Sheriff’s Office, the DOTD, the City of Lake Charles, State Police and other entities. The DOTD is especially focused on Interstate 10 and Interstate 210, US 171, 190, 165 and 27. They will treat the Gibbstown Bridge, Ellender Bridge, Grand Lake and Black Bayou Bridges.
“The DOTD emergency operations center will stay open through this event,” said Seth Woods, local DOTD director.
Cameron Ferry operations will depend on wind and freeze conditions.
Jared Maze, Calcasieu Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Director warned those who might have to work outside to monitor for signs and symptoms of hypothermia. Alcohol may cause blood vessels to dilate, increasing the risk of hypothermia.
Do not use emergency rooms as a warming center, he said.
Judd Bares, President of the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury reiterated the need to stay home to make it safer for those who must use emergency rooms and roadways in case of an emergency.
“Unfortunately, God forbid, you or a loved one needs medical assistance and needs to get somewhere, that’s who needs to be traveling. If you have to go to work, that’s one thing. But please, if you don’t need to be out, stay home.”
Bares also urged parents to keep youth home and off the roads.
For those who must travel, the following tips were offered. Make sure the gas tank is full. Keep blankets, snacks and water in the vehicle.
Matthew Gaspard, Louisiana State Police, said to drive much slower and allow for more than the usual recommended space between vehicles because of icy patches. Be mindful of slower-moving DOTD vehicles putting treatment down.
Warming centers will be located at Watersedge, 2760 Power Center Parkway in Lake Charles. The Sulphur Christian Community Coalition warming center is at 501 East Burton Street in Sulphur. The Salvation Army will also be housing people, according to Maze.
To report an emergency to reach law enforcement, call 911.
To get human services assistance, call 211.
Go to 511 for DOTD updates, or sign up for MyDOTD. For motor assistance patrol, call 1-337-437-9100. This DOTD service will work extended hours during the severe winter storm conditions.