1/2: Calcasieu Parish Sheriff announces arrest list
Published 12:00 pm Thursday, January 2, 2025
- (Metro Creative Services)
The Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office reported the following arrests:
Trevis Edward Dean, 24, 974 South Kade Lane — identity theft less than $300; direct contempt of court; possession of firearm on premises of alcoholic beverage outlet; obstruction of justice; resisting an officer by flight; aggravated assault upon a peace officer. Bond: $16,000.
Andrew Anthony Lee, 43, 142 Holmes St. — resisting a police officer with force or violence; battery of a police officer.
Leonardo Rodriguez-Mandujano, 37, 603 Fall St. — battery of a police officer; simple assault; simple battery; resisting an officer. Bond: $19,500.
Jana Ann Newman, 28, 815 N. Blake St. — domestic abuse battery.
David Ikeem Thomas, 33, 1800 N. Prater — home invasion; simple battery of the infirm; simple battery. Bond: $$97,500.
Hayden Wayne Rainwater, 23, 2613 Broussard Road, Sulphur — theft of a motor vehicle from $5,000 but less than $25,000; aggravated escape.
Jeremie Jude Broussard, 48, 8559 Gulf Highway — domestic abuse aggravated assault.
Angel Nicole Ange, 42, 426 Crestwood St. — violations of protective orders.
Joshua Ross Breaux, 32, 3410 L. Benoit Road — resisting a police officer with force or violence; battery of a police officer; simple battery; simple criminal damage to property less than $1,000.
Trevis Edward Dean, 24, 974 South Kade Lane — identity theft less than $300; direct contempt of court; possession of firearm on premises of alcoholic beverage outlet; obstruction of justice; resisting an officer by flight; aggravated assault up on a peace officer; illegal use of weapons or dangerous instruments; aggravated assault with a firearm. Bond: $144,500.
Andrew Anthony Lee, 43, 142 Holmes St. — resisting a police officer with force or violence; battery of a police officer. Bond: $17,500.
Johnaten Bernard Nero, 27, 3327 Carver Road — theft less than $1,000,two or more previous convictions; three counts direct contempt of court; four counts theft from $1,000 but less than $5,000; simple escape; possession of marijuana, first offense (14 grams or less). Bond: $64,000.
Herman William Dunbar, 51, 2697 Jude St., Sulphur — domestic abuse battery.
Mark Bryan Iknar Jr., 34, Deer Park, Texas — operating while intoxicated, third offense; maximum speed limit; driving on roadway laned for traffic.
Nathan Lee Brown, 26, 211 Doe Road, Ragley — two counts direct contempt of court; domestic abuse battery; domestic abuse aggravated assault.
Tamara Elvera Witherspoon, 41, 417 7th St. — simple arson; simple criminal damage to property less than $1,00; possession of marijuana, first offense (14 grams or less); two counts drug possession. Bond: $24,000.
Aaron Paul David, 35, 934 Edward Johnson Road, Starks — two counts direct contempt of court; obscenity. Bond: $40,000.
David Davon Toussant, 19, 2358 Legion St. — car jacking; resisting an officer; obstruction of justice.
Ethan Kaine Fontenot, 16, 2108 Bancroft St. — car jacking; resisting an officer.