American Press staff writer Doris Maricle awarded Paul Harris Fellowship
Published 1:30 pm Friday, December 27, 2024
- Welsh Rotarian Arlene Heinen presents the Paul Harris Fellowship award to Doris Maricle, staff writer for the American Press, in recognition of a $1,000 donation by the Welsh Rotary Club to the Rotary Foundation on her behalf. The award recognized Maricle for her commitment to her profession and to the Jeff Davis Parish community. (Special to the American Press)
Rotary International recently awarded Doris Maricle, American Press staff writer, the Paul Harris Fellowship in recognition of a $1,000 donation by the Welsh Rotary Club to the Rotary Foundation on her behalf.
Awarding the Paul Harris Fellowship, members of the Welsh Rotary Club assembled a donation to the Foundation on Maricle’s behalf, honoring her commitment to her profession and to our community in Jeff Davis Parish.
In presenting the award, Past Rotary District Governor Clarence Prudhomme, noted Maricle’s outstanding service to the Welsh community for 29 years as a staff writer for the American Press.
The highest form of recognition a Rotary Club can bestow is the Paul Harris Fellowship. It is presented to a Rotarian or a citizen who has made an outstanding contribution to the community.
Founded more than 100 years ago, the Rotary Foundation funds the work of Rotary members as they advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty.
From an original donation of $26.50 in 1928, the Rotary Foundation has grown to more than four billion dollars internationally. The Foundation sponsors international education, safe water, emergency shelter, international polio vaccination (polio plus), economic development and a host of other services in cooperation with both public and private entities.