Area towns, organizations will get boost from pet projects approved by Legislature
Published 11:15 am Monday, June 17, 2024
- (Special to the American Press)
Cities, towns, political subdivisions and a couple of local organizations in six Southwest Louisiana parishes are beneficiaries of some of the $92.7 million in pet projects that members of the Legislature approved in their home districts.
Some 600 projects are listed in House Bill 782 under the heading of “State Aid to Local Government Entities.” Here are the funds those entities are scheduled to receive:
Allen Parish: $350,000 to the Allen Parish Police Jury to repair or replace the courthouse roof; $62,000 to the Allen Parish Clerk of Court for technology equipment, acquisitions and upgrades; $50,000 to Oakdale for equipment.
Also, $30,000 to the Oakdale city judge to purchase equipment and for maintenance of existing facilities; $25,000 to Oberlin for recreational equipment; $25,000 to Oakdale for facility improvements to the jail; and $50,000 to Reeves for construction of a new City Hall building.
Beauregard Parish: $250,000 to the Beauregard Police Jury for road repairs in District 4A; $100,000 to the Beauregard Parish Sheriff’s Office for animal control equipment, fencing and shelter repairs; and $250,000 to DeRidder for street rehabilitation.
Calcasieu Parish: $150,000 to the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury for Ward 1 Fire Protection District for emergency equipment; $50,000 to the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury for the Calcasieu Parish Voluntary Council on the Aging for a building.
Also, $150,000 to the Calcasieu Parish School Board for recreational equipment and repairs and improvements to be split evenly between Kaufman Elementary, Dolby Elementary, St. John Elementary, Nelson Elementary, T.S. Cooley Elementary and Prien Lake Elementary.
Also, $125,000 to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Louisiana; $500,000 to Westlake for the Carlin Drive lift station, antennas to read water meters remotely, and to replace the gas line on Hudson Drive.
Also, $30,000 for the Iowa Police Department for acquisitions, equipment and repairs; $30,000 to the Iowa Fire Department for acquisitions, equipment and repairs; and $50,000 to Iowa for the fire department.
Also $250,000 to Sulphur for replacement equipment for the water plant; $200,000 to Westlake; $115,000 to DeQuincy for fire department equipment; $200,000 to Lake Charles; $200,000 to Sulphur; $20,000 to Vinton for law enforcement equipment; and $200,000 to the Southwest Louisiana Center for Health Services.
Cameron Parish: $500,000 to Cameron Police Jury for Gulf shorelines protection and $300,000 to the Cameron Parish Police Jury for La. Highway 27.
Jeff Davis Parish: $250,000 to the Jeff Davis Parish Police Jury for equipment; $100,000 to the Jeff Davis Parish Police Jury; $50,000 to the Jeff Davis Sheriff’s Office; $50,000 to the Jeff Davis Parish Police Jury for the Jeff Davis Council on the Aging Inc. for equipment.
Also, $200,000 to the Jeff Davis Parish Sheriff’s Office for acquisition of vehicles and drug dogs; $100,000 to the Jeff Davis Police Jury for the fairgrounds arena extension; $50,000 to Elton for repairs and improvements to dog kennels; and $30,000 to the Elton Police Department for acquisitions, equipment and repairs.
Also, $150,000 to Welsh for the Welsh Museum for building restoration; $30,000 to the Welsh Police Department for acquisitions, equipment and repairs; $30,000 for the Welsh Fire Department for acquisitions, equipment and repairs; $50,000 to Welsh for the Friends of Welsh Museum.
Also, $30,000 to the Lake Arthur Police Department for acquisitions, equipment and repairs; $30,000 to the Lake Arthur Fire Department for acquisitions, equipment and repairs; $30,000 to the Jennings Police Department for acquisitions, equipment and repairs.
Also, $30,000 to the Jennings Fire Department for acquisitions, equipment and repairs and $30,000 to the Fenton Police Department for acquisitions, equipment and repairs.
Vernon Parish: $100,000 to the Vernon Parish Police Jury for road maintenance; $105,000 to the Vernon Parish Police Jury for Glass Windows Road repairs and tourism; and $75,000 for the village of Simpson for road repairs.