Leesville man convicted on fourth obscenity charge
Published 6:21 pm Sunday, December 18, 2022
- (Special to the American Press)
A Leesville man was convicted on his fourth obscenity charge last week in Vernon Parish.
James Leon Collins III, 47, was found guilty on Dec. 13 after jurors deliberated for about one hour following one full day of testimony.
Collins had been arrested by the Leesville Police Department after a citizen reported seeing Collins exposing himself in a public location.
The case was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Lea R. Hall, who described Collins as “a serious concern for the community” when discussing Collins’ three prior convictions for the same charge.
District Attorney Terry Lambright said he was pleased with the jury’s decision.
“This is another example of behavior that simply will not be tolerated. I will continue to do everything I can to protect the citizens of Vernon Parish,” Lambright said.
Collins faces a maximum possible sentence of five years in prison with the Louisiana Department of Corrections. He is scheduled to appear before Judge Scott Westerchil for sentencing on March 21.