BPSB votes to create new director position

Published 8:57 am Thursday, May 19, 2022

The Beauregard Parish School Board approved a motion Thursday night to add the position of Director of Auxiliary Services to its central office leadership, while also keeping the position of Assistant Superintendent filled.

Board members voted and approved the motion to create the new director position during the board’s regular session last week, and board members were sure to include verbiage that would allow Superintendent Timothy Cooley to fill other vacant positions, which board president David Vidrine specified would include a Director of Curriculum and the Assistant Superintendent position.

Board member Nikki Weldon was the only vote against the motion.

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The vote came after a lengthy discussion on a proposed new organizational chart that board members said was intended to “streamline the organization and leadership” amongst the central office personnel and school district leaders.

Last month, Cooley introduced two organizational charts with one that included the introduction of a Director of Auxiliary Services and left out the role of Assistant Superintendent. Cooley said that option was presented upon receiving news that current Assistant Superintendent Marlin Ramsey will be retiring this summer and showed the board how the organization would fall if they chose not to fill that position.

During Thursday’s meeting, Vidrine made it clear that, while the position of Assistant Superintendent was absent from the organizational chart, the position had not been removed completely.

“He (Cooley) did not propose doing away with the position. It is still there in our policy, it just would not be filled,” Vidrine said.

The true decision of the board, Vidrine said, was to decide whether to authorize the creation of the position of Director of Auxiliary Services.

Some board members expressed their concerns for supervisory duties that would fall on Cooley without an assistant in place.

“Mr. Cooley would have to be very diligent in delegating duties; not just delegating, but holding accountable,” Vidrine said.

In the end, board members agreed with the new organizational chart of directors, but stressed the need for a Director of Curriculum to be filled quickly.

Former educator Martha Jackson said she was “struggling” with the new curriculum taught in classes and the format that requires the use of chrome books and video instruction.

“If we need to go back to a Director of Curriculum that is strong and knows what that person is doing and is a good leader, then I am all for that,” Jackson said.

During Thursday night’s meeting, the board also approved a motion that will allow the live streaming of committee meetings online, in addition to the regular session, and to archive past meetings so that they may be viewed after the meeting has ended.

Board member Garrett Greene said he himself had experienced the need to view meetings after the fact, and had heard form constituents who expressed the same.

“I feel like we have a tool not being fully utilized,” Greene daid.

Ray Bowman agreed with the need to keep meetings available in an effort to allow the public the opportunity to stay informed.

“You know, what happens in here often times appears a lot different to the public. More information is always a good thing, I think,” Bowman said.

Upcoming committee board meetings, and the May 12 meeting, can now be viewed on the district’s YouTube page.