Qualifying ends for Nov. 3 election
Published 6:00 pm Saturday, July 25, 2020
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Qualifying for the Nov. 3 elections ended Friday. Early voting will be 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Oct. 20-27, excluding Sunday, Oct. 25; the deadline to request an absentee by mail ballot is by 4:30 p.m. Oct. 30.
Here is a list of who qualified in Southwest Louisiana elections:
U.S. Senator: Beryl Billiot, John Paul Bourgeois, Reno Jean Daret III and Jamar Montgomery, all no party affiliation; Bill Cassidy and Dustin Murphy, both Republican; Derrick “Champ” Edwards, David Drew Knight, Adrian Perkins, Antoine Pierce and Peter Wenstrup, all Democrats; “Xan” John and Melinda Mary Pierce, both listed as other; M.V. “Vinny” Mendoza, Independent; and Aaron C. Sigler, Libertarian.
U.S. Representative, 3rd Congressional District: “Rob” Anderson and Braylon Harris, both Democrats; Clay Higgins, Republican; and Brandon Leleux, Libertarian.
3rd Circuit Court of Appeal Judge 1C: “Ron” Ware and Sharon Wilson, both Democrats.
14th Judicial District Judge, Division F: Derrick D. Kee, Democrat.
14th Judicial District Judge, Division H: Kendrick J. Guidry and Bobby Holmes, both Democrats.
14th Judicial District Judge, Division J: Cynthia Clay Guillory, Brent Hawkins, D. Shunette Thomas and Sa’Tricia’ Williams, all Democrats.
14th Judicial District Judge, Division C: Guy Bradberry, Republican.
14th Judicial District Judge, Division D: Robert L. Wyatt, Democrat.
14th Judicial District Judge, Division G: Michael Canaday, Republican, and Andrew Casanave, no party affiliation.
14th Judicial District Judge, Division A: William Mitchell “Mitch” Reed, Republican.
14th Judicial District Judge, Division B: Clayton Davis, Republican.
14th Judicial District Judge, Division E: David A. Ritchie, Republican.
14th Judicial District Magistrate Judge: Tony Fazzio, Republican, and Michael McHale, Democrat.
Calcasieu Parish District Attorney: Christian Chesson Democrat, and Stephen Dwight, Republican.
City of Sulphur judge: Harry Fontenot Jr., Charles “Charlie” Schrumpf and Carla Sigler, all Republican.
City of Lake Charles judge, Division A: Jamie Bice, Democrat.
City of Lake Charles judge, Division B: Hope Wyatt Buford, Republican, and Ron Richard, Democrat.
Lake Charles marshal: Jerod Abshire, Sheila Babineaux, Karl Gillard and Brad Harris, all Republicans; Nathan Keller, Democrat; and Ernest Mitchel, Independent.
Sulphur marshal: Glenn Berry, Brandon Dever, Vaughn Ehrman, Jack E. Hebert and Tim Lafleur, Nicholas Nezat, all Republicans, and Justin W. Sittig, no party affiliation.
Calcasieu School Board, District 5: Mark Young, no party affiliation.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 1: Catherine “Cathy” Michiels, Republican.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 2: Kizzy Aucoin Sanford, no party affiliation.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 5: Gerald A. Fountain, Independent.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 6: Joy Fontenot, Democrat.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 7: Teddy McNiel, Independent.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 8: Erica Bean Thomas, Independent.
Constable Justice of the Pace, Ward 1: Louis Michiels, Republican.
Constable Justice of the Pace, Ward 2: Curtis Arceneaux and Dana Dean Aucoin, both Republican.
Constable Justice of the Pace, Ward 5: Keith Hyatt Sr., no party affiliation.
Constable Justice of the Pace, Ward 6: Rickey Brummett, Republican,
Constable Justice of the Pace, Ward 7: Christopher “Chris” Jowers, Independent.
Constable Justice of the Pace, Ward 8: Willie Thomas IV, Republican.
U.S. Representative, 4th Congressional District: Ben Gibson and Mike Johnson, both Republican, and Kenny Houston and Ryan Trundle, both Democrat.
33rd Judicial District Court judge, Division A: Judi Brusley and Chad Guidry, both Republican, and Steven Sumbler, Independent.
33rd Judicial District Court judge, Division B: E. David Deshotels, Independent.
Allen Parish District Attorney: Joseph “Joe” Green Jr., Independent.
Oakdale city court judge: Luke Abrusley, Independent.
Oakdale marshal: Michael “Freck” Slaney, Republican
Justice of the Peace, Ward 1: Stephen B. Manuel, Independent.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 2: Joanna W. Sneve, Independent.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 3: Dawn Perkins, no party affiliation.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 4: Chad Reeves, Republican.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 1: Mark Bailey, Republican.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 2: no candidates.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 3: Ryland Dunnehoo, Republican.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 4: Donald “Don” Dowies, Republican.
Oakdale mayor: Chad Doyle and Bryan Hargrove, both Republican.
Elizabeth chief of police: Katrina Ford, no party affiliation, and Scotty Laborde, Republican.
Oakdale City Council member at large: George A. Ahsy II, Democrat.
Oakdale City Council, District 1: Cassandra “Shon” Allison and Gwendolyn Alsburry, both Democrats.
Oakdale City Council, District 2: Fredrick “Pos” Douglas, Republican, and Ben Jack, Democrat.
Oakdale City Council, District 3: Ervin Willis, Republican.
Oakdale City Council, District 4: Jeremy Smith, Republican, and Ralph Stapleton, Democrat.
U.S. Representative, 4th Congressional District: Ben Gibson and Mike Johnson, both Republican, and Kenny Houston and Ryan Trundle, both Democrat.
36th Judicidal District Court judge, Division A: Martha Ann O’Neal, Democrat.
36th Judicidal District Court judge, Division B: C. Kerry Anderson, no party affiliation.
Beauregard District Attorney: “Jimmy” Lestage, Republican.
Justice of the Peace, District 1: Deborah Hollie, Republican, and Susan Myers, Democrat.
Justice of the Peace, District 2: Eva M. Stark, other.
Justice of the Peace, District 4: Jason T. Beebe, Julie Godeaux Lafleur, “Danny” Reeves and Mark Simon, all Republican.
Justice of the Peace, District 5: “Ruthie” Huckaby, Independent.
Constable Justice of the Peace, District 1: “Al” Doyle, no party.
Constable Justice of the Peace, District 2: Leondard “Pard” Stark, Independent.
Constable Justice of the Peace, District 4: David Clouse and “Doug” Evey, both Republican.
Constable Justice of the Peace, District 5: Louis Wade Morvant, Republican.
U.S. Representative, 3rd Congressional District: “Rob” Anderson and Braylon Harris, both Democrats; Clay Higgins, Republican; and Brandon Leleux, Libertarian.
38th Judicial District Court judge: Penelope Richard, Independent.
Cameron Parish District Attorney: W. Thomas “Tom” Barrett III, Republican, and Jennifer Jones, Democrat.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 1: Christina “Christie” Melancon, Republican.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 2: Susan “Susie” Fawvor, Democrat.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 3: Vernon Primeaux, no party affiliation.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 4: Seth Guidry, Independent.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 5: Connie Trahan, Democrat.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 6: Brian Desormeaux, Republican.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 1: Ricky Hargrave, Independent.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 2: Christopher Fountain.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 3: Ronald “Ronnie Gayle” Nunez Sr., Independent.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 4: John “Buck” Stephenson Jr., Independent.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 5: Tammy Erbelding, Democrat, and Glenn Trahan, Republican.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 6: Jerry W. Constance, Republican.
Jeff Davis
U.S. Representative, 3rd Congressional District: “Rob” Anderson and Braylon Harris, both Democrats; Clay Higgins, Republican; and Brandon Leleux, Libertarian.
3rd Circuit Court of Appeal judge, 2nd District, Section 1C: “Ron” Ware and Sharon Wilson, Democrat.
31st Judicial District Court judge: Steven Cunnell, Democrat.
Jeff Davis District Attorney: Kevin Millican, Republican.
Jennings city court judge: Daniel Stretcher, no party affiliation.
Jennings marshal: Clarence L. Cormier, Democrat.
Jeff Davis School Board, District 11: Philip Andrepont and Paul Traha, both Republicans.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 1: Debbie Abshire-Sonnier, Republican.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 2: Linda Langley, Democrat.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 3: Edwin “E.J.” McCann, Republican.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 4: Robert Ramagos, Republican.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 5: Jennifer C. Landry, Republican.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 6: Sherman Broussard, Independent.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 1: Brandy Hammond, Republican.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 2: Cursey Marcantel Jr., Democrat.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 3: Aaron “Jamie” Hatfield, Republican.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 4: Rita Ramagos, no party affiliation, and Brian “Ping” Vanicor, Democrat.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 5: Joseph “Joe” Guidry, Democrat.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 6: Steve Arceneaux, Republican, and Inez “Tee” Goodley Jr., Democrat.
Welsh mayor: Karl Arceneaux, Republican, and Charles Drake, Democrat.
Fenton mayor: Eddie Alfred and Shawanda G. Sowells, both Democrats.
Welsh police chief: Marcus Crochet, Democrat, and Marcus “Cummings” Prudhomme, Independent.
Fenton police chief: “Sam” Alfred, no party affiliation, and Trevor Talbert, Democrat.
Welsh alderman (5 to be selected): Jackie McGee Balmer, Independent; Geraldine Broussard, Clint Harty, Lawrence “Bugger” Mier and Randall “Tiny” Murphy, all no party afflication; Ronnie “Ronnie” Hayes, Jeromy Iguess and Andrea King, all Democrat; and Colby Perry and Ben Richard, both Republican.
Fenton alderman (3 to be selected): Manuel Alfried, Jessie Boese Jr., Gwenevere Johnson, Mary M. Jones and Geneva Joseph, all Democrats, and Katherine M. Corbello, Republican.
Elton town council: Forest Ardoin and Michael Bellon, both Democrat.
U.S. Representative, 4th Congressional District: Ben Gibson and Mike Johnson, both Republican, and Kenny Houston and Ryan Trundle, both Democrat.
30th Judicidal District Court judge, Division A: Tony A. Bennett, other.
30th Judicidal District Court judge, Division B: C. Anthony Eaves, Republican.
30th Judicidal District Court judge, Division C: Scott Wetsterchil, Independent.
Vernon District Attorney: Terry Lambright, no party affiliation.
Leesville city court judge: Elvin Fontenot Jr., Democrat.
Leesville marshal: Robert Pynes, Democrat.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 2: Rodney E. Haymon, Republican.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 3: John Bonner, Republican.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 4: Arlene J. Cook, Independent.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 5: Ellis Yeley, Independent.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 6: Justin Bonnette, Republican.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 7: Lavell L. “Pete” Johnson, Independent.
Justice of the Peace, Ward 8: Linda Smith, Republican.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 2: Roger Smart, Republican.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 3: “Joe” Simmons, no party affiliation.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 4: Dan Atchinson, Republican.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 5: Dakota Nolen and “Chris” Robinson, both Republican.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 6: Sean Bonnette, Republican.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 7: Lealon Johnson, Democrat.
Constable Justice of the Peace, Ward 8: R.G. “Ronnie” Hagan, Republican.
New Llano mayor: Justin Perez Brown, Independent, and Carolyn H. Todd, Democrat.
Anacoco mayor: Keith Lewing and Norman Eric Neal, both Republican.
Simpson mayor: Vickie Standifer, Republican.
Anacoco chief of police: Randall Bryan, Independent, and Jerry C. Waller, Republican.
Simpson chief of police: Dale Strauser, no party affiliation;
Simpson aldermen (3 to be selected): Amanda “Amy” Long and Neil Standifer, both Republican, and Heather Wise Parker, no party affiliation;
Anacoco council (3 to be selected): M. Shane Freeman, Republican; John “Johnny” Guy, Democrat; and John Schraven, no party affiliation.
New Llano council: Winfort “Stew” Steward, Democrat.